Welcome to a place for politics and reason

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Friday, March 30, 2012


Socialism is a topic that hits close to home. I have been a social democrat since I was in high school. I have to say it leads to a lot of judgment and misguided hatred. When I tell someone I believe a certain degree of socialism would be beneficial to this country, they instantly equate me with figures like Stalin. 

Listen, Stalin was a dictator. The power he held was a perverted form of totalitarianism disguised under the title of communism. Being a socialist is different than being a communist. And, more to the point, being a socialist does not automatically equate to supporting a dictatorship. My message to the misguided American people, don't equate socialist ideas with the dictators of the past. If you don't inform yourself, you run the risk of being as hypocritical as these people:

(Just to clarify, Medicare is a government run program comes from a socialist idea thought up by people like Eugene V. Debs.)

All I really want to convey is, think before you say something ignorant! Inform yourself!

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