Welcome to a place for politics and reason

Welcome to a place for politics and reason. This is a place to enlighten yourself!

Thursday, March 1, 2012


First off, I would like to apologize for not posting anything new in a while. I have been swamped with class work. So, this is me making up for it. Today in my English class we discussed the idea of fate. My professor asked the class: "how many people are okay with the idea of fate?" Out of the class of 23, only two people (myself included) did not raise their hands. My professor asked us why we did not like the idea of fate. At the time I could not respond. This is my redemption for not responding. 

I dislike the idea of fate. I can't stand the feeling that something, other than myself, has complete control over my life. To me, this seems like a big source of nihilism. People say things such as: "it wasn't meant to be" and "only god knows." It seems to me that people like this are giving up. People like this seem to let go of things they have fought so hard for. 

I cannot stand this idea. I pose the question: if fate is in control, why attempt to change things? Maybe I do not understand this. Either way, I am going to work hard to attain my dreams. I will not give up, nor will I dismiss the rejections as fate. I will look at the rejections and learn how to change myself for the better. I view these renunciations as learning experiences. I feel if more people felt this way, the world would be a beautiful place; a place filled with determined people. 

Franz Kafka once said something to the effect: "whatever we desire will become reality. Whatever is not reality is something we have not desired enough." This is the view I take. I will continue to desire, until it is real! I will not let anything control my life, but myself. I guess the point of this post is to never give up on whatever you want to become reality. Keep fighting, even after "fate" has told you no!

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